Mission Statement
The mission of the Women Of Grace Widows’ Fund is to enact and make real an ongoing structure to alleviate the extreme poverty faced by widows in Malawi by providing funding to meet basic food, shelter, and safety needs, while creating opportunities and resources that enable and empower widows to establish their own self-sufficiency and independence, regardless of religious affiliation.
The Women Of Grace Widows' Fund is a joint mission project of the Watertown and Canton First Presbyterian Churches.
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Being A Widow In Malawi
What does it mean to be a widow in one of the world’s poorest countries? To become a widow in Malawi, Africa is to fall into extreme poverty. As in other areas of Africa, the practice of property grabbing is wide-spread and local authorities are unable to stop this gendered violence against women. After the death of her spouse, the family of the deceased husband forcibly, and sometimes violently, takes all possessions from the widow, leaving her with the children and, if she is lucky, only a roof over her head.
In a country with an average per capita income of $170 and a life expectancy of age 47, this means a widow faces dire challenges in meeting her very basic needs. Education and medical care become secondary as she struggles to provide the most basic of needs: food, firewood and shelter.
Most widows are caring for their own children and sometimes their grandchildren, as well as taking in orphans. Some of the women are HIV positive and all contend with malaria and TB. To be a widow in Malawi means a grim life. Fortunately, there is help.